Dipl. Ing. Dimitrios K. Katsoulas
General Information
- Birth date: August 14, 1974
- Citizenship: Greek.
- Address: Erlenweg 1 D-79115 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- Phone Num.: +49 761 203 8284, +49 761 453 4893.
- Email: dkats AT informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Research Interests
- 3D object recovery in occluded environments.
- Range image segmentation using parametric models.
- Non parametric segmentation of 2D curves.
- Object Oriented Distributed Systems (see ABS European project).
- B-ISDN networks. (see W4ATT European project).
- Programming Languages.
Research Projects
- W4ATT(AC235). Diploma Thesis: Implemented the Server of the System, which aimed at providing all necessary information to a Java Applet, which displays the particular information graphically to the System's user. The target platform was primarily ATM experimental networks, but since the overall design of the Management Information Base of the System was generic, this can be easily extended to monitor TCP/IP networks as well. The whole system was implemented in the Java Language.
- ABS (AC206). Designed and implemented among other system components, a Query Plan Generator for the system based on an algorithm used in the Information Manifold project of Stanford University. This algorithm was enhanced and adjusted to the project requirements. More specifically the QPG is the heart of the ABS project which is dealing with generating a "guide" by the aid of which the system discovers where the information requested by the system's user resides.
- ABROSE (AC316). A knowledge acquisition system based on a cooperative intelligent agents network.
- 2DDepal. The cooperation of the University of Freiburg, institute of pattern recognition and image processing, with INOS GmbH , has resulted in the implementation of a framework which uses a KUKA industrial robot and a SICK LMS200 Laser Sensor, to detect boxes residing in a palette, grip them, and transfer them to a specific point away from the palette. This is a primitive system and incorporates a basis for a general depalletizing system, which will be able to perform the above described operations for a variety of target objects.
- Generic Depalletizing. Recently I was funded by the German government (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie) to develop a robotic system which will be able to localize box-like objects and sacks jumbled on source platforms, grasp them and pile them to target platforms.
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant in the Microcomputers laboratory course of NTUA (Spring 1998)
- Electronics and Digital systems for foundation college (Fall 1998)
- Assisted undergraduate course “Algorithms for Digital Image processing”. (Spring semester 2001,2002,2003)
Professional Experience
- National center for Scientific Research, "Demokritos". May 1998 - December 1998. Worked as a developer on the GEONICKEL project. More specifically I was involved in the development of the GEOES expert system. The GEOES system embodies the knowledge of geo-experts and aims to facilitate the exploration process performed by geo-scientists. It is an expert system with a user-friendly interface that runs under the Windows 95 and the Windows NT operating systems. GEOES is integrated within GEOSIS, the software toolbox of the GEONICKEL project. The system gives emphasis on the integration of a variety of different approaches for the Ni exploration tasks, combining a wide range of data and knowledge from all the geo-domains involved.
Tools used: TCL/TK 8.0, Sicstus Prolog 3.0.
- INOS Hellas. January 1999 - September 1999. Worked in the R&D towards the development of a generic framework which elicits control on sensing industrial robots. Implemented:
- The Display Driver functionality (System visualization group)
- The Intersection Calculation functionality (This is widely known at the literature as 3D object reconstruction. Intersection Calculation gives the robot the ability of stereo vision.)
Tools used: C++ STL, MFC (MSVisual C++ 6.0).
- Professor Timoleon Sellis, National Technical University of Athens
- Professor Andreas Stafylopatis, National Technical University of Athens
- Professor Emmanuel Skordalakis, National Technical University of Athens
- Professor Panagiotis Tsanakas, National Technical University of Athens
- Associate Professor Nikolas Mitrou, National Technical University of Athens
- Dr. Costas Spyropoulos, head of Software and Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
Computer Vision:
- Dimitrios Katsoulas , Christian Cea, and Dimitrios Kosmopoulos
Segmentation in Range Images via Fusion of Region and Boundary Information”,
In IEEE Transactions of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE
Computer Society. Accepted for publication in 2007.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas and Dimitrios Kosmopoulos “Box- like
Superquadric Recovery in Range Images by Fusing Region and Boundary
Information”, In Proceedings of
the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2006),Hong Kong, China.
IEEE Computer Society, pp 719-722.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas, “Robust Recovery of Piled Box-Like Objects in Range Images”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Freiburg, November 2004. (Download: entire dissertation, chapter 0, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, references, appendix )
- Dimitrios Katsoulas and Andreas Werber “Edge Detection in Range Images of Piled Box-Like Objects”, In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2004), Cambridge, United Kingdom. IEEE Computer Society, August 23-26 2004.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas, “Reliable Recovery of Piled Box-like Objects via Parabolically Deformable Superquadrics”, In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV-2003), Nice, France, pages 931-938. IEEE Computer Society, October 13-16 2003.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas, “Localization of Piled Boxes by Means of the Hough Transform”, In B. Michaelis and G. Krell, editors, Pattern Recognition, Proc. of 25th DAGM Symposium, number 2781 in LNCS, pages 44-51. Springer, September 2003. Download presentation.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas, “Robust Extraction of Vertices in Range Images by Constraining the Hough Transform”, In F. Perales et al, editors, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Proc. of 1st Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, number 2652 in LNCS, pages 360-369. Springer, June 2003. Paper received honorable mention. Download presentation.
- Dimitrios Katsoulas and Ales Jaklic, “Fast recovery of piled deformable objects using superquadrics”,
In Luc Van Gool, editor, Pattern Recognition, Proc. of 24th DAGM Symposium, number 2449 in LNCS, pages 174-181. Springer, September 2002. - D. Katsoulas, L. Bergen, and L. Tassakos, “A Versatile Depalletizer of Boxes Based on Range Imagery”,
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2002), Washington D.C., pages 4313-4319. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, May 2002. Download presentation. - D. Katsoulas and L. Bergen, “Efficient 3D vertex detection in range images acquired with a laser sensor”, In B. Radig and S. Florczyk, editors, Pattern Recognition, Proc. of 23rd DAGM Symposium, number 2191 in LNCS, pages 116-123. Springer, September 2001.
- D. K. Katsoulas and D. I. Kosmopoulos, “An efficient depalletizing system based on 2D range imagery “, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2001), Seoul, Korea, pages 305-312. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, May 21-26 2001. Download presentation.
Telecommunication applications:
- Eleutherios Athanassiou, Peter Barrett, Delia Chirichescu, Marie Pierre Gleizes, Pierre Glize, Dimitrios Katsoulas, Alain Leger, José Ignacio Moreno, Hans Schlenker, “Abrose: A Cooperative Multi-agent Based Framework for Marketplace”, In Sahin Albayrak (Ed.): Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications, Third International Workshop, number 1699 in LNCS, pages 175-189, Springer, August 1999 .
- G.T. Karetsos, N.K. Lakoumentas, C.G.Harbilas, D.K. Katsoulas and E.N. Protonotarios, “An Information Brokerage Service Architecture for Electronic commerce”, NIT’98, Athens, Greece, Workshop proceedings, pages 15-24, October 1998.
- Research Assistantship, University of Texas, San Antonio, Computer Science Department (June 1997)
- Research Assistantship, University of Toronto, Canada, Computer Science Department (March 1999)
- Mention of Honour for the paper: “Robust extraction of vertices in range images by constraining the Hough transform”, at IbPRIA 2003.
Foreign Languages

Term Papers