María A. BravoPhD Student
Computer Vision Lab
Office location:
+49 761-203-8274 |
Research Interest | Curriculum Vitae | Publications | Teaching |
Research Interests
- Vision-Language Understanding: Integration of visual and linguistic information for multimodal reasoning.
- Open-Vocabulary Recognition: Recognition of objects and attributes beyond predefined categories, including fine-grained attributes like color, texture, and material.
- Human-Aligned AI: Development of AI systems that align with human preferences for improved interaction and collaboration, including building user studies to validate this alignment.
- AI Generation: Advancing image and text generation, with a focus on aligning both modalities effectively.
- Weakly-Supervised and Multimodal Learning: Leveraging weakly supervised learning for grounding visual and textual data.
- Semantic Segmentation: Developing techniques for pixel-level classification in images and videos.
- Video Object Segmentation: Advancing the segmentation of objects in dynamic video content.
- Biomedical Image Processing: Applying AI techniques to analyze and interpret medical images.
- TIAlign Text-Image Concept Human Alignment (WiML NeurIPS Workshop 2024 - Best poster award TWiML 2024)
- oVQA: Open-ended Visual Question Answering (Spotlight ICLR 2024)
- OVAD: Open-vocabulary Attribute Detection Dataset and Benchmark (CVPR 2023)
- LocOV: Localized Vision-Language Matching for Open-vocabulary Object Detection (GCPR 2022)
Reviewing Activities
• 2024 NeurIPS Dataset and Benchmark
• 2023 NeurIPS Dataset and Benchmark Top Reviewer
• 2023 TPAMI
• 2022 NeurIPS Dataset and Benchmark Outstanding Reviewer
• 2022 TPAMI