
Seminar on Current Works in Computer Vision

Prof. Thomas Brox

The goal of Computer Vision is to imitate the flexibility and robustness of the human visual system and has a large impact on the success of artificial intelligence in general. Research has made significant progress in recent years particularly due to deep learning. In this seminar we will take a detailed look at various recent papers with a particular focus on world models.
For each paper there will be one person, who performs a more detailed investigation of the research paper and its background, and who will give a presentation. The presentation is followed by a discussion with all participants about the merits, limitations, and perspectives of the respective paper. You will learn to read and understand contemporary research papers, to give a good oral presentation, to ask questions, and to openly discuss a research problem.

(2 SWS)
Wednesdays, 14:00-15:30, 52-2-17
Contact person: David Hoffmann

Beginning: If you want to participate, attend the mandatory introduction meeting on April 17 14:00, register in HisInOne, and submit your paper preferences before April 22.

Recommended semester:

6 (Bachelor), any (Master)
Requirements: Background in computer vision

Remarks: The language in this course is English.

There is a strongly related Blockseminar on Deep Learning offered by apl Prof. Olaf Ronneberger from Google DeepMind. The introduction meeting will be jointly for both seminars.

Topics will be assigned for both seminars via a preference voting. Only students who attended the introduction meeting and sent their paper preferences in time will be considered. For the remaining group, we follow the assignments of the HisInOne system. We want to avoid that people grab a topic and then jump off during the semester. Thus, please have a coarse look at all available papers to make an informed decision before you commit. If you don't attend the introduction meeting (or not send a paper preference) but choose this seminar together with only other overbooked seminars in HisInOne, you may end up without a seminar place this semester.

All participants must read all papers and answer a few questions. The questions will be available in the 'Questions' column of the table below at least one week before the corresponding presentation. The answers must be sent to the advisor of the paper before the paper is presented. All participants must attend all sessions.


Giving a good presentation
Proper scientific behavior

Slides of the introductory lecture
Powerpoint template for your presentation (optional)


Date   Paper Questions  Presenting student   Slides   Advisor
29.05 World model summary paper questions Nothhelfer, Benedikt Artur Jesslen
05.06 Visual world models questions Goehring, Andre-Christian Artur Jesslen
12.06 Autoregressive vision model questions Birmele, Marius Jelena Bratulic
19.06 Learning from video questions Kulkarni, Sheetal Johannes Dienert
03.07 Causal world model questions Mazouz, Nuri Simon Schrodi
10.07 World model based RL agent questions Brutsche, Janine David Hoffmann
25.07 Hierarchical world model questions Angerer, Carsten Sudhanshu Mittal