Particle Image Velocimetry in Aerodynamics: Technology and Applications in Wind Tunnels
J. Vis., 2(3,4): 229--244, 2000
BibTex reference
@Article{Ron00, author = "J. Kompenhans and M. Raffel and L. Dieterle and T. Dewhirst and H. Vollmers and K. Ehrenfried and C. Willert and K. Pengel and C. K{\"o}hler and A. Schr{\"o}der and O. Ronneberger", title = "Particle Image Velocimetry in Aerodynamics: Technology and Applications in Wind Tunnels", journal = "J. Vis.", number = "3,4", volume = "2", pages = "229--244", year = "2000", url = "" }