Henrik Skibbe |
Chair of Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing Institute for Computer Science Albert-Ludwigs-University D-79110 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
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Since Januar 2013 you can find me here: Integrated Systems Biology Laboratory, Kyoto
- Seminar: Image Processing Toolbox mit ImageJ, 2010/2011
- Lecture: 3D Image Analysis, Junior-Prof. Ronneberger 2010/2011
- Lecture: Algorithmen zur digitalen Bildverarbeitung I (Algorithms
for Digital Image Processing), Prof.Burkhardt 2010
- Seminar: Algorithms for Cluster Analysis, Prof.Burkhardt 2010
- Seminar: Image Processing Toolbox mit ImageJ, Prof.Burkhardt 2009/2010
- Lecture: Algorithmen zur digitalen Bildverarbeitung I (Algorithms for Digital Image Processing), Prof.Burkhardt 2009
- Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Ronneberger, O., Burkhardt, H.
"Spherical Bessel Filter for 3D Object Detection"
Accepted for presentation at the ISBI, Chicago, Illinois, USA in April, 2011
- Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Schmidt, T., Palme, K., Ronneberger,
O., Burkhardt, H.
"3D Object Detection Using a Fast Voxel-Wise Local Spherical Fourier Tensor Transformation"
in Proceedings of the DAGM 2010 LNCS Darmstadt, Germany
- Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Ronneberger, O. & Burkhardt, H.
"Increasing the dimension of creativity in rotation invariant feature design using 3D tensorial harmonics"
in Proceedings of the DAGM 2009 LNCS Jena, Germany - Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Wang, Q., Ronneberger, O. &
Burkhardt., H.
"Fast Computation of 3D Spherical Fourier Harmonic Descriptors - A Complete Orthonormal Basis for a Rotational Invariant Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects."
Proc. of the 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 3DIM 2009, part of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2009 - Henrik Skibbe, Alexandra Teynor and Hans Burkhardt:
"Unsupervised Learning of Characteristic Object Parts from Videos"
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (MVA 2009), Yokohama, Japan - Zhe-Ming Lu, Henrik Skibbe, and Hans Burkhardt.
"Image Retrieval Based on a Multipurpose Watermarking Scheme"
International Workshop on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2005, Melbourne, Australia
- Detection of Rigid Object Class Instances in Videos Using the
Geometrical Configuration of Local Image Features
(Original title: Detektion starrer Objektklassenmitglieder in Videos mit Hilfe lokaler Merkmalskonfigurationen)

Since Januar 2013 you can find me here: Integrated Systems Biology Laboratory, Kyoto