
Margret Keuper

PhD Student

3D Image Analysis Lab / Computer Vision Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Freiburg

Office location:
Georges-Köhler-Allee, building 052, 2nd floor, room 01-22
79110 Freiburg

Phone: +49 761 203 8267

Margret Keuper
Personal Projects Publications Teaching


Segmentation Dataset: Transmission Electron Microscopic Cell Recordings [download]

Segmentation Dataset: Transmission Electron Microscopic Recordings of Bone merrow-derived mast cells [download]

Five classes have been annotated: cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, and background.

If you want to use this data in your own publication, please cite:
Margret Keuper, Thorsten Schmidt, M. Rodriguez-Franco, W. Schamel, Thomas Brox, Hans Burkhardt, Olaf Ronneberger. Hierarchical Markov Random Fields for Mast Cell Segmentation in Electron Microscopic Recordings, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): 973 - 978, 2011.

Synthetic Deconvolution Dataset: HeLa Cell Nucleus Recordings [download]

This dataset contains two widefield recording simulations of a simulated HeLa cell nucleus. The HeLa cell nucleus simulation has been done using

D. Svoboda, M. Kozubek, and S. Stejskal. Generation of digital phantoms of cell nuclei and simulation of image formation in 3D image cytometry. Cytometry Part A, 75A(6):494--509, 2009.

If you want to use the data for your own evaluation, please also cite

M. Keuper, M. Temerinac-Ott, J. Padeken, P. Heun, T. Brox, H. Burkhardt, O. Ronneberger. Blind Deconvolution with PSF Regularization for Wide-field Microscopy. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): 1292 - 1295 , 2012,

where the recording simulation is described.