
This page provides the demo code for the work

Matlab code for 2D dense description

  • Download:
    Successfully tested on Matlab R2012b and Ubuntu 10.04 X86_64. It may require some tiny modifications for a different environment.

  • Requires: Matlab | LIBLINEAR | TAS package and image data (version 0) | export_fig

  • We offer the following functions:
    demoFourierHOG -- visualize the descriptor
    FourierHOG -- the descriptor function
    main -- reproduce the experiment "Fourier HOG_2 + linear SVM" on the aerial image dataset

Matlab demo code for 3D dense description

  • Download:
    Successfully tested on Matlab R2012b and Ubuntu 10.04 X86_64. It may require some tiny modifications for a different environment.

  • We use the spherical tensor derivative implementation from
    Reisert, M. and Burkhardt, H., "Spherical Tensor Calculus for Local Adaptive Filtering",
    in: Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision, Springer, 2009.

    Another package including spherical tensor derivative can be found at https://bitbucket.org/skibbe/sta-imagetoolbox

  • We offer the following functions:
    demoSH -- demo the Spherical harmonics and function projection/reconstruction
    main -- demo the computation of Spherical Harmonic HOG descriptor (using ST derivative for convolution)

  • To visualize the HDF5 files, we recommend the ImageJ hdf5 plugin developped by our group.

Matlab/C++ source code for 3D shape description

  • Download: (for reference only.)

If you have any questions or feedbacks, please contact the authors of the paper.