Constructors and set-function: ------------------------------- Default Constructor : ( 0, 0, 0) Constructor for arbitrary color (63,127,191): ( 63, 127, 191) Constructor for gray value 31 : ( 31, 31, 31) set color to (15, 31, 15) : ( 15, 31, 15) Operators and named colors: --------------------------- White - Blue : (255, 255, 0) Cyan * 0.5 : ( 0, 127, 127) ... + RGBColor(127, 0, 127) : (127, 127, 254) RGBColor(127, 0, 127) * 2.0 : (254, 0, 254) !... - RGBColor(1, 0, 1) * 2.0 : ( 0, 255, 0) 42 * RGBColor(1,2,3) : ( 42, 84, 126) (to3 != Magenta) : true (to4 == Green) : true Performance test: ----------------- Performance test (additions) : OK (slowdown factor < 1.1)