ViBE-Z elastic registration tutorial

Download data and required Software

  1. Create an empty director, e.g. "vibez_tutorial" in your home directory
    mkdir ~/vibez_tutorial
  2. Download vibez_elastic_registration and store it in the created directory.
  3. Ensure that the downloaded program is executable:
    cd ~/vibez_tutorial
    chmod +x vibez_elastic_registration
  4. Check, if the software runs on your Linux
    cd ~/vibez_tutorial
    ./vibez_elastic_registration -h
    You should get a detailed description of all parameters like that:
      vibez_elastic_registration -- Elastic Registration of Two Volumetric Images
      Elastic registration of two volumetric images using and the locally
      normalized cross correlataion as similarity measure and fast combinatortial
      optimization based on the approach of Glocker et al. 2008
      fixedfile=...     (default: reference_embryo_2011_05_23.h5)
                        file name of HDF5 file containing the fixed image.
      fixedgroup=...    (default: /step4b/rigidToAtlasManual/long)
                        HDF5 group, that contains the data sets (channels) for the
                        fixed image
      channelname1=...  (default: channel0)
                        HDF5 data set name of first channel (usually the nucleus
                        channel as anatomic refernce). Used for moving and fixed
      channelname2=...  (default: )
                        HDF5 data set name of an additional channel (usually the
                        gene expression pattern). Will be transformed identically
                        like the first channel, but not used for findeing the
                        correspondences. Used for moving and fixed file
      movingfile=...    (default: )
                        file name of HDF5 file containing the moving image. If
                        omitted, the global input file (specified with -i) is used
      movinggroup=...   (default: /step4/fused/)
                        HDF5 group, that contains the data sets (channels) for the
                        moving image
      fixedmaskfile=... (default: )
                        (optional) file name of HDF5 file containing a mask for the
                        fixed image.
      fixedmaskdataset=... (default: )
                        HDF5 data set name (full path), of the data set  containing
                        a mask for the fixed image. Must have the same shape and
                        resolution like the fixed image
      movingmaskfile=... (default: )
                        (optional) file name of HDF5 file containing a mask for the
                        moving image.
      movingmaskdataset=... (default: )
                        HDF5 data set name (full path), of the data set  containing
                        a mask for the moving image. Must have the same shape and
                        resolution like the moving image
      outfilename=...   (default: )
                        file name of output file. If omitted, the global input file
                        (specified with -i) is used
      outgroup=...      (default: /step7/elasticToAtlasAuto)
                        HDF5 group, for the channels of the registered image, and
                        the deformation field.
      fixedlandmarks=... (default: )
                        (optional) HDF5 group, that contains the landmarks in the
                        fixed image (have to be stored in the datasets
                        'position_um' and 'label')
      movinglandmarks=... (default: )
                        (optional) HDF5 group, that contains the landmarks in the
                        moving image (have to be stored in the datasets
                        'position_um' and 'label')
      landmarks_label_dataset=... (default: continuity)
                        (optional) HDF5 data set name, that contains the landmarks
                        labels ('label' if you used iRoCS point or sphere markers,
                        or 'continuity' if you used nucleaus markers and cell file
                        labels). Fallback to 'label', if 'continuity' data set does
                        not exist
      use_landmarks_label=... (default: )
                        (optional) specify a subset of landmarks that shall by used
                        for the initial transformation. e.g.
      landmarktrafo=... (default: umeyama)
                        specifies, how to use the landmarks for the initial
                        transformation. 'umeyama' finds the best matching rigid
                        transformation (translation and rotation). 'TPS' uses thin
                        plate splines to obtain an elastic transformation field,
                        that maps exactly each pair of landmarks.
      fixedToMovingMat=... (default: )
                        (optional) 4x4 affine transformation matrix for the initial
                        transfroamtion. All units are in micrometer, the coordinate
                        origin is at the upper left frontal corner (the first
                        element of the volumetric data set).The matrix has top map
                        a position in the fixed image (fixpos) to the corresponding
                        position in the moving image (movpos), such that movpos =
                        fixedtomovingmat * fixpos. Both, fixpos and movpos are
                        4-component vectors in homogeneous coordinates in c-style
                        order (level,row,column,1)^T in micrometer. 
      gray_gamma=...    (default: 0.5)
                        gamma correction of gray values before registration. Gray
                        values are mapped by newgray = oldgray^gamma. Usually it is
                        a good idea to use a gamma value of 0.5 for images with
                        Poisson noise, because it approximately maps it to constant
                        gaussian noise.
      interpolation=... (default: trilinear)
                        gray value interpolation method when transforming the
                        images. Can be 'trilinear' or 'nearestNeighbour'. Use
                        trilinear interpolation for real images and
                        nearestNeighbour for indexed images (e.g. segmentation
      extrapolation=... (default: none)
                        Extrapolation method for the deformation field outside the
                        mask. Use 'none' for no extrapolation or 'TPS' for thin
                        plate spline extrapolation (can be very slow!) and 'fast'
                        for fast incremental extrapolation.
      process_element_size_um=... (default: 2)
                        voxel-size for registration process in micrometer.
                        Registration needs cubic voxels.
      padding_um=...    (default: 80,80,80)
                        size of padding borders (levels, rows, columns) in
                        micrometer. The padding borders will be added to the fixed
                        image. The resulting image must be large enough that the
                        relevant parts of the moving image (after initial
                        transformation) fit into it.
      lambda=...        (default: 2)
                        lambda specifies the relative weight between data and
                        smoothness term during registration. E.g. lambda=2 adjusts
                        the internal weights, such that the maximal elongation is 2
                        and the maximal shortening is 1/2. These extreme
                        deformations may only appear, if the similarity measure
                        (normalized cross correlation) "insists" on this position
                        (by a jump from 0 to 1). So usually, the obtained
                        deformation is much smaller
      gridSpacing_pix=... (default: 10,10)
                        Spacing of control points [pixel] in each iteration. e.g.
                        '10,10,5' would result in a grid spaciing of 10 pixels in
                        the first and second iteration and a grid spaceing fo 5
                        pixels in the third iteration
      patchRadius_pix=... (default: 5,5)
                        patch radius [pixel] in each iteration. 'Patch' denotes is
                        the small image at each control point, that is used for the
                        normalized cross correlation
      labelsSpacing_pix=... (default: 2,1)
                        spacing of labels [pixel] in each iteration. The 'labels'
                        denote the displacment hypotheses for each patch. The
                        hypotheses are placed along rays in axis and in diagonal
      labelsRadius_npt=... (default: 20,20)
                        number of labels (displacement hypotheses) along each ray
                        in each iteration.
      debuglevel=...    (default: 0)
                        Level of extra debugging output:
                        0: none
                        1: extra file with intermediate images 'debug.h5'
                        2: also results from ncc in 'debug.h5'
                        3: very verbose during optimization
  5. Download the IRoCS Software for setting the landmarks and store the archive file in the created directory. (For CentOS Linus in MPI-CBG you need the Version for the oldest Ubuntu-Version (10.5)
  6. unpack the iRoCS software
    	  cd ~/vibez_tutorial
    	  tar -zxvf iRoCS_Toolbox_0.7.1_x86_64_linux-gnu_gcc4.4.3_en
  7. (For CentOS Linus at MPI-CBG): Let iRoCS_Toolbox use its provided Qt-Library. For this edit the shell-script using your favorite editor, e.g. with gedit:
    	  cd ~/vibez_tutorial/iRoCS_Toolbox_0.7.1_x86_64_linux-gnu_gcc4.4.3_en
    and remove the comment sign '#' from line 3 (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...)
  8. Install the HDF5 plugin for ImageJ
  9. download the example data sets reference_larva+landmarks.h5 and e098+landmarks.h5 into your tutorial directory

Register the Sample Data Sets

  1. open a text editor (e.g. gedit) to write down your protocol and edit the commandline parameters
    	  cd ~/vibez_tutorial
    	  gedit Project_vibez_tutorial
  2. Copy the following commandline to your protocol
  3. cd ~/Docs/Vortraege/2014_08_EMBO_Course_Dresden/Demo
    time ./vibez_elastic_registration -p \
      fixedfile=reference_larva+landmarks.h5 \
      fixedgroup=/ \
      channelname1=channel0 \
      channelname2=channel1 \
      movingfile=e098+landmarks.h5 \
      movinggroup=/ \
      outfilename=e098_aligned_4.h5 \
      outgroup=/aligned \
      fixedlandmarks=/landmarks \
      movinglandmarks=/landmarks \
      landmarktrafo=TPS \
      process_element_size_um=4 \
      debuglevel=1 \
      -i dummy
  4. Copy and paste the command into the shell, and wait a few minutes for completion
  5. Start iRoCS_Toolbox Toolbox to do a quality Control
  6. For further quality control you might want to look to the intermediate results in the "debug.h5" file. Use iRoCS-Toolbox Channel--Import Channels... of ImageJ with HDF5 plugin to display the data. E.g. the "overlay_step0" data set contains the overlay after pure landmark-based regstration in the processing resolution.
  7. To get a more precise registration (with a longer runtime) you might want to change the process_element_size_um to 2 um. Copy-paste the command in your Editor and modify the copy acordingly:
    cd ~/Docs/Vortraege/2014_08_EMBO_Course_Dresden/Demo
    time ./vibez_elastic_registration -p \
      fixedfile=reference_larva+landmarks.h5 \
      fixedgroup=/ \
      channelname1=channel0 \
      channelname2=channel1 \
      movingfile=e098+landmarks.h5 \
      movinggroup=/ \
      outfilename=e098_aligned_4.h5 \
      outgroup=/aligned \
      fixedlandmarks=/landmarks \
      movinglandmarks=/landmarks \
      landmarktrafo=TPS \
      process_element_size_um=2 \
      debuglevel=1 \
      -i dummy
  8. To execute the modified command, again copy-paste it to your shell.

Register Your Own Data Sets

  1. convert your data sets to HDF5 using ImageJ with the HDF5 plugin
  2. Use the iRoCS-Toolbox to define a few landmarks in both data sets:
  3. save everything to your sample file using File--save
  4. mark the same landmarks (with the same numbers) in your second file
  5. run the registration as described above under "Register the Sample Data Sets". Adjust the filenames in the commandline accordingly before copying the command to the shell.

23.8.2014 Olaf Ronneberger